Nanna is a heart touching tale of a Mentally imbalanced father and his fight for the custody of his Daughter.
Story : The Stuggle of a Mentally imbalanced father, Vikram who was forcefully seperated from his Daughter. Anushka plays an important role as his lawyer.
Screenplay : Good
Music & BGM : Songs and BGM is an asset for the film which would otherwise had been very Boring.
Performances : Vikram has simply rocked on the Screen, it was a difficult role and he played it to perfection. Anushka, Amala Paul & Najar played other important roles well.
Visuals : Fine and adequate.
Direction : Good
Plus :
1. Vikram’s Performance as the Father
2. Climax court episode and its lead up
3. Songs & BGM
Minus :
1. Highly Lengthy at 2.47Hrs
2. Limited Appeal and lack of commercial elements
Overall Movie Rating : 3.25 / 5 ( Must watch for Vikram )
Boxoffice Verdict :
Nanna is a subject which is least appealing as a commercial film. Let’s wait for the Public Verdict.